Leek and Potato Soup


This French classic is one of the easiest soups to master. It also gives you something to do with bread which has started to go stale.

This recipe makes enough soup to serve as an appetizer for approximately 4-5 people.



  1. Prep each of the ingredients, making sure to thoroughly wash the leeks. Leeks are known for being especially sandy.

    • Finely chop 1 or 2 leeks

    • Peel, rinse, and roughly chop the 3 potatoes (hold to the side in a bowl of cold water)

    • During cooking, store all ingredients near the stove for easy access during cooking

  2. In a sauce or stock pot, melt a nob of butter until it begins the bubble.

  3. Sweat the leek(s) in the butter until it’s color has brightened, just before it turns completely translucent.

  4. Add 500 ml vegetable stock, 500 ml water, the 3 chopped potatoes and a large pinch of coarse kosher salt.

  5. Gently simmer until the potatoes are cooked through and easily cut with a fork or spoon.

  6. In a separate pan, melt the second nob of butter. Toss in cubed chunks of leftover bread and toast on all sides while the soup cooks (once toasted, hold to the side for plating).

  7. Once the potatoes are cooked, transfer the mixture to a tall container and blend with a handheld immersion blender.

  8. Pour the mixture back into your sauce or stock pot (passing it through a fine mesh strainer).

  9. Add the heavy cream, several turns of a black pepper grinder and salt to taste.

  10. Serve with homemade toasted bread cubes and a pinch of finely chopped parsley.

  11. Enjoy, because this soup is a delicious way to use the last of homemade bread.


  • This being a French soup, there isn’t a better bread to use in this recipe than the last bit of a baguette (although, almost any savory bread will work).

  • Other toppings for this soup could include cracked black pepper, savory whipped cream or crème fraîche, or sautéed carrot.

  • This soup is incredibly simple, so make sure to invest in quality ingredients. Have you tried butter from Ireland? It’s fantastic.

  • Intensify the leek flavor by adding a second leek to this recipe. If you choose to add more leek, make sure to also slightly increase the amount of butter and liquids.

  • A handheld immersion blender is a tool that should be in every kitchen. It’s perfect for sauces, soups, and anyone looking to make a less mess milkshake. If yours hasn’t yet arrived, you can use a blender (we recommend a Blendtec, because it’s durable, strong, and the company has fantastic customer service. This blender in an investment that can save you money down the road).


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